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Jeff Jaureguy


Jeff Jaureguy
I grew up in Oceanside, California, and transferred from MicraCosta college, a community college, and completed my undergraduate degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology at California State University of San Marcos (CSUSM). I have been involved in scientific research for over 5 years revolved around Molecular Ecology and Bioinformatics research. I previously worked in the environmental industry as a conservational biologist and then reentered into college and became fascinated with scientific research in the academic environment while completing research through the Bridges to Future program at MiraCosta College. This then led me to transfer to CSUSM and become a MARC scholar, a scholarship program that provided resources and training to continue to advance my scientific research career and provided me with numerous research opportunities such as funded internships and lab research experiences, science communication development by presenting at national conferences, and also developing a deep understanding of ethical conduct through professional workshops and seminars. I completed the summer training-academy for research success (STAR’s)program, a summer research experience at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) and gained invaluable research skills as well as a deep respect and admiration of the University. I am now completing a PhD in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology at the University of California, San Diego, and will be focusing my research in the field of cancer genomics. I am extremely grateful and excited to be a Sloan scholar and will utilize this opportunity to develop further as a research scientist.