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Nathaniel Linden

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Nathaniel Linden
For as long as I can remember I have been curious about how and why things work. As a child this meant pretending I was a plumber building complex systems. While in high school I interned with Gauss Surgical Inc. developing an app to monitor quantitative blood loss during surgery. I then spent the last 4 years studying Bioengineering and Applied Mathematics at the University of Washington and graduated with departmental honors this summer. I began research as a freshman when I joined Professor Andre Benrdt’s lab developing a high-throughput pipeline to design protein based tools for optogenetics. I then decided to work with Professor Bing Brunton to pursue my interest in applied mathematics. I designed a method to quantify spatiotemporal dynamics in optical neural records to study neurological development and behavior. I was recognized as a Washington Research Foundation Innovation Undergraduate Fellow in Neuroengineering for my work. I am now pursuing a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and am interested in developing data driven methods to model complex biological systems, especially systems in cancer biology. Outside of academics I am an avid rock climber and ranked nationally in youth competitions.