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Jack Garzella


Jack Garzella
Jack J Garzella was born just outside Denver, Colorado, and was raised in the Salt Lake City, Utah area. His interest in mathematics developed during grade and middle school, and in high school he became involved in research. He attended the University of Utah as an undergraduate, where he did various research projects in optimization, formal verification, and floating-point consistency. During his time at the University of Utah, he was amazingly blessed to be taught, both in one-on-one reading courses and in traditional classes, by many of the amazing mathematicians at Utah. After junior year, he attended an NSF REU in Number Theory, which was influential in his decision to come to UCSD for a PhD in Algebraic Geometry & Number Theory. At UC San Diego, he hopes to build on his undergraduate foundation to become a research mathematician, while inspiring students through teaching and individual mentoring. In his free time, he enjoys skiing, hiking, and playing the drums and piano.