Enrolling at UC San Diego
Registrar Enrollment Calendar
All academic deadlines are set by the Office of the Registrar and are subject to change. Please see the Registrar's Enrollment and Registration Calendar for the actual dates.
General Deadlines Guidance
The following deadlines are specific to graduate students and are consistent through all three quarters:
The 2nd Friday of each quarter is the deadline to submit:
- Half-time Study requests
- Leave of Absence requests
- In Absentia requests
The 3rd Friday of each quarter is the deadline to submit Applications to Candidacy for the Master’s degree (in order to receive the Master’s in the same quarter).
The 4th Friday of each quarter is the deadline to submit requests to change number of units, and to drop a course without a W.
The 6th Friday of each quarter is the deadline to submit a request to change the grading option for a course.
The 9th Friday of each quarter is the deadline to submit drop requests.
The 10th Friday of each quarter is the deadline to submit add requests.
The 11th Friday of each quarter (finals week) is the deadline to submit:
- Final Paperwork for degree completion
- Fully completed forms must be received in the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs by the deadline date; department approval alone does not constitute meeting a deadline.
The Summer degree deadline is the last Friday of summer session II (usually in early September).
Please note: Fully completed forms must be received by the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs by the stated deadline date. Departments may set earlier submission deadlines for internal processing; please check with your home department for details.
Enrollment Tools for Students
Half-Time Enrollment
Half-Time Enrollment deadline is the second Friday of each quarter
Learn More
Leave of Absence or Withdrawal
Procedures for applying for a Leave of Absence or Withdrawal