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Michael Pokornik

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Michael Pokornik
The son of an Air Force veteran, I have lived in Germany, Colombia, Virginia, Texas, and now California.  I am of Colombian, Irish, and Czechoslovakian descent.  Being exposed to different cultures and places of living has allowed me to develop into a well-rounded and appreciative person.  Likewise, my academic career has progressed in a similar manner.  I received a master’s degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics at Purdue University and undergraduate degrees in Applied Physics and Mathematics at Texas Lutheran University.  Eager to strike a balance between engineering and physics, I am pursing a PhD in Engineering Physics at the University of California, San Diego to study relativistic laser-plasma interactions.  In the past I have conducted research in LIDAR target detection through machine learning and HF wave propagation in the ionosphere through numerical simulation.  I currently work at General Atomics as an engineer, focusing on directed energy applications. With the SLOAN Scholar Award, I can pursue research areas I am most interested in and retain a greater control over the direction and development of my scientific career.  In my free time I like to watch documentaries, visit museums, lift weights, play videogames, and hike.