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Jonathan Guiang


Jonathan Guiang

My passion for science was sparked early on in my life -- almost before I can remember -- when my father first introduced me to science fiction through Star Trek, where I saw a future just out of reach, a future driven by curiosity and grounded by reality. This early ember of scientific wonder was further kindled by the fantastic mentors that I have been fortunate enough to have in my life. Then, with flaming ambition, I left my hometown of San Diego to study physics at UC Santa Barbara. During my sophomore year, I met Dr. Claudio Campagnari, a High Energy physicist who generously offered me his trust and experience along with the many opportunities provided by his group and the wider collaboration that operates and maintains the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

My experiences as an undergrad fostered an enthusiasm for research that inspired me to pursue a PhD. I am now doing just that at UC San Diego, after graduating from UCSB with a Bachelor of Science in Physics and several departmental honors. During my time here, I am excited to continue working in High Energy physics under the direction of Dr. Frank Wuerthwein, who also studies data collected by the CMS detector, searching for physics beyond the Standard Model with an additional focus on developing solutions to the computing challenges faced by the collaboration.