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Clare Morris

Chemistry and Biochemistry

Clare Morris

Clare completed her B.S. at UC San Diego in 2019 after transferring from a California community college. During her undergraduate career, she had the exciting opportunity to work in the field of atmospheric chemistry by studying sea spray aerosols, the connection between the ocean and the atmosphere. She became fascinated by bacterial enzymes and biologically derived molecules present in seawater that become airborne through breaking waves and the effects they have on climate. Additionally, Clare had the rewarding experience of participating in science outreach events to encourage people from underrepresented backgrounds to engage in and pursue STEM careers. She knows how hard it can be to pursue science when there aren’t model scientists in a young person's life, and hopes she can model that career pathway for others from similar backgrounds. 

During her PhD program in the Chemistry and Biochemistry department, Clare will use computational methods to simulate the behavior of enzymes and other biological molecules in sea spray aerosols and lipid membranes to gain a better understanding of how their local behavior contributes to their overall impact on climate. In her free time, Clare enjoys cooking and trying new foods, beach days, and music.