Erick Lamb
- Profile
While growing up in nearby Palm Springs, California, my father would always perform his own automobile and home maintenance. Watching my dad take apart everything from our car to our television to the kitchen sink began a fascination in learning how everyday appliances work and how to improve them. This interest developed into a far reaching desire to learn how everything works on a fundamental level. I pursued this desire at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Physics with a minor in Mathematics. My primary focus at UCLA was condensed matter physics, a field concerned with atomic scale interactions and emergent properties of materials. Currently, I am pursuing a PhD in Physics at the University of California, San Diego with a focus in condensed matter physics. I am working for Professor Oleg Shpyrko who uses high energy, coherent x-rays produced at facilities such as the Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory and the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory to study the molecular and atomic scale dynamics of materials. As I learn more and advance in my PhD, I hope to study materials potentially useful for novel methods of computing, memory storage, and energy storage.