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Lydia Hernandez

Ph.D. in Biological Sciences

Lydia Hernandez
Lydia Hernandez is a doctoral candidate in the Division of Biological Sciences at University of California, San Diego.  She uses the zebrafish model system to study cardiac morphogenesis and the molecular processes regulating atrioventricular canal (AVC) formation.  Her dissertation work investigates the role of Tmem2, a novel transmembrane protein, as a potential regulator of extracellular matrix in the context of heart development.  Her research aims to further the understanding of critical interactions between cells and their environment during organ morphogenesis.  Lydia received an American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship for her research on Tmem2.  In addition to her research, Lydia serves as a Graduate Teaching Mentor, training and guiding Instructional Assistants for the UCSD Division of Biological Sciences.