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Destination UC San Diego Event

Graduate Programs Open House

2024 Open House Banner

Applying or considering applying to UC San Diego for Graduate School?

Come join us and meet with graduate program representatives, graduate students, and faculty. Learn about how University of California San Diego's inclusive community provides an opportunity for everyone to follow their intellectual curiosity and to make an impact in their own unique way. 

 Don't miss this great opportunity to connect with our campus community!




 (All times are Pacific Standard Time PST)

9-10am | GENERAL SESSION: Overview of Graduate Education at UC San Diego Session

10-12pm | Graduate Programs Info Sessions - Representatives from each of these programs will be responding to questions directly on Zoom. Feel free to drop-in for a couple of minutes or stay for the full hour to interact with us. 

12pm-1pm | GENERAL SESSION: Grad Student Life and Community Panel

1-3pm | Graduate Programs Info Sessions - Representatives from each of these programs will be responding to questions directly on Zoom. Feel free to drop-in for a couple of minutes or stay for the full hour to interact with us.

3-4pm | GENERAL SESSION: Graduate Application in Detail 


 (All times are Pacific Standard Time PST)
Coming soon


Where would the open house be hosted?

The recruitment open house will be hosted virtually through the ZOOMEVENTS conference platform.

What happens after I register for the event?

Prior to the date of the event, September 6, 2023, you will receive a link to access the event on the ZOOMEVENTS conference platform.

Can I attend to only parts of the open house?

The event is design so you can attend any workshops and sessions of your choice. We recommend you create a plan. 

Do I receive a fee waiver for attending the open house?

Yes, but only if you meet the following criteria:

1) you need engage on the day of the open house with graduate program representatives, and

2) you need to attend a general session.

(Rules: International students are not eligible for a fee waiver at this moment. Fee waivers don't add up, if you're already getting one through a different method this would not be a second fee waiver. Students can only get one fee waiver for one graduate application per admissions cycle. This fee waiver is valid for 2 years.)

How do I receive the fee waiver? 

If you meet the above criteria, your email address will be flagged in the system for a fee waiver. Make sure you use the same email address that you used int he open house registration to create an application.