Graduate Program Reviews
As part of the continuing, critical analyses of academic programs and student learning at UC San Diego the Academic Senate performs scheduled program reviews to ensure superior educational quality throughout the campus.
All graduate programs are reviewed by a committee every eight years. The Division of Graduate Education & Postdoctoral Affairs will work closely with the graduate program for committee selection, self-study preparation, and site visit logistics.
Following the site visit, the review committee submits a written report that is reviewed by the graduate program, student representatives, campus administration, and Graduate Council. The graduate program and student representatives respond to the external committee report, and this response is shared with administration and Graduate council. A final wrap-up meeting and Graduate Council follow-up complete the process. If the review is combined with the undergraduate program, the Division of Undergraduate Education will also participate in the planning and completion of the combined Undergraduate & Graduate Programs review for a given department (see documentation below).

Program Review Schedule
The schedule is tentative. Units should be prepared to have a review within 1-2 years of the dates noted below.
Department Combined Reviews (Graduate and Undergraduate)
Department of Ethnic Studies
Department of Mathematics
Department of Structural Engineering
Latin American Studies Program (LAS)
Graduate Program Reviews (Graduate Only)
JDP Language and Communicative Disorders (LCD)
JDP Public Health
2025/2026 (Tentative)
Department Combined Reviews (Graduate and Undergraduate)
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Department of Linguistics
Department of Physics
Department of Music
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Visual Arts
Graduate Program Reviews (Graduate Only)
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (BISB)
Biomedical Sciences (BMS)
Computational Science, Mathematics and Engineering (CSME)
Rady School of Management
2026/2027 (Tentative)
Department Combined Reviews (Graduate and Undergraduate)
Department of Political Science
Scripps Institute of Oceanogrophy (SIO)
School of Biological Sciences
Department of Literature
Department of Psychology