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Leilani Cruz

Ph.D. in Biological Sciences

Leilani Cruz
Leilani Cruz is a doctoral candidate in the Division of Biological Sciences at the University of California, San Diego. Working under Dr.Lifan Lu, Leilani transitioned into the field of immunology as she explored the field of microRNAs in T cell immunity. By using molecular and cellular approaches as well as the genetic tools and whole animal experimentation Leilani has extensively studied a single microRNA, miR-27, from a cluster family that can solely regulate T cell-mediated immunological tolerance of its own accord. Her investigation includes characterizing the role of miR-27 in regulatory T cell development, homeostasis and suppressor function by in vivo mouse research and flow cytometry analysis. Her future reach aims include exploring the molecular mechanisms underlying such microRNA-mediated T cell immune responses through identifying the corresponding microRNA targets, which could later be a foundation for developing effective therapeutic approaches in treating human immunological disease. In addition to research, Leilani enjoys giving back to the community by participating in various outreach events thru UCSD’s Diversity Committee and AWIS-SD. She has partnered with Reuben H. Fleet Science Center in the last few years to be a guest scientist in their summer camps, SciTech after school program and was a featured scientist in the Spotlight on San Diego Science series. She continues to volunteer through other wonderful organizations in she hopes to inspire others to see the excitement of science.