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STEM Undergraduate Research Program 

The University of California Leadership Excellence for Advanced DegreeS (UC LEADS) program prepares promising undergraduate students for advanced education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This program is designed to identify upper-division UCSD undergraduate students with the potential to succeed in these disciplines, but who have experienced situations or conditions that have adversely impacted their advancement in their field of study. In addition, this program provides  students with undergraduate educational experiences that will prepare them to assume positions of leadership in industry, government, public service, and academia following completion of a STEM graduate degree.

Once chosen as UC LEADS scholars, the students embark upon a program of scientific research and graduate school preparation. Scholars are provided with an excellent opportunity to explore their discipline, experience a research environment, and improve their opportunities for future study in their chosen field. Each scholar is mentored by a member of the UC faculty, who assists the student in designing a plan of research and enrichment activities fitted to the individual interests and academic goals of the scholar.


Program Components & Benefits

  • Paid summer research experiences, at UC San Diego and at other UC campuses
  • Graduate school preparation and advising
  • Travel funding to attend professional meetings or scientific conferences
  • Membership to a professional society
  • Poster presentations at the annual UC LEADS Research and Leadership Symposium
  • Application fee waivers to UC graduate programs
  • Leadership development
  • Opportunity to meet other students interested in STEM on campus but also across the UC system
  • GRE preparation
  • Potential source of letters of recommendation
  • NEW! UC LEADS Fellowship for Graduate School at University of California Campuses


Application for the 2025 Cohort is OPEN now!

Deadline: February 28, 2025 11:59pm (PST)
For eligibility criteria and application process please see below.


How to apply:

STEP 1: Fill and submit an online application HERE 

  • Sections on the application include personal information, academics, co-curricular activities, and others. 
  • All the questions in the application need to be completed before submitting, otherwise the application will be considered incomplete. 
STEP 2: In response to the prompts, submit a Statement of Interest HERE 
  • Describe your research interests and explain why they are important to you.
  • Why do you want to participate in an undergraduate research program, and what do you hope to learn or gain from the experience?
  • Why are you considering graduate school, and what do you plan to achieve with your graduate degree?
  • Provide an overview of your educational background and achievements. What challenges—whether educational, social, or cultural—have you faced, and how did you overcome them?NOTE: Statement needs to be less than 1000 words (about 2 pages long)
STEP 3: Submit one letter of recommendation via EMAIL 
  • This letter of recommendation is required from a faculty advisor, course instructor, TA or employer (preferably one who is familiar with your academic and/or scientific skills, and/or your potential for graduate study/research).
  • Your recommender would need to email the letter of recommendation to with the student name in the subject line before February 28, 2025. 

The deadline to submit the online application and ALL other materials is Friday, February 28, 2025 at 11:59pm (PST). No extensions will be granted and applications without a statement of interest and/or letter of recommendation will not be considered for review. 

*UC LEADS does not consider race, color, national origin, or any other protected status as part of the application and selection processes.*

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for selection, applicants must be:

  • Enrolled in a UC undergraduate degree program in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) major
  • Interested in research (note: you do not have to have previous research experience to apply to this program)
  • Seasoned UC sophomores or rising junior standing with two more full academic years until graduation (Students who have recently transferred from a community college with less than two years until graduation are encouraged to apply)
  • Intent to pursue a PhD and/or Master programs in a STEM field
  • In good academic standing in undergraduate degree program with a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Able to demonstrate potential for success in a graduate program
  • U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents; AB540 students are also eligible to apply

Selection Process

Applications will be reviewed by a panel that might consist of staff, faculty, and graduate students. Selected candidates will be invited for an interview with staff and current scholars. Applicants will be evaluated based on a holistic review process of their applications, education/career goals, and aspirations.

2024 Scholars



  Patrick Joseph Smith | Microbiology Major



  Thomas Frisch | Biochemistry Major



  Xinyi Zhang | Biology Major in Bioinformatics



  Edrian Kabiling | Chemical Engineering Major

2023 Scholars



  Anetzy Bermudez Torales | Biochemistry Major



  Runpeng Jian Computer Science Major



  Tin Nguyen | Molecular and Cell Biology / Mechanical Engineering Major



  Savannah Rhoades | Chemical Engineering Major



  Leanna Rondon | Biology Major



  Michelle Diaz Gomez | Cogn & Behavioral Neuroscience Major



  Anna Nguyen Mechanical Engineering Major



  Julian Ramirez | Mechanical Engineering Major



  Edwin Ruiz | Cognitive Science/Machine Learning and Neural Computation Major



  Marissa Todesco Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience Major

Past Scholars



  Vicky Chen | Biochemistry Major



  Claire Wellenkamp | Marine Biology Major



  Ali Kattee | Mechanical Engineering Major



  Jessica de la Torre | Mechanical Engineering Major



  Andrew Oabel | Computer Science Major


  1. If I have additional questions, who should I contact?
    • Please contact the program coordinator Edgar at
  2. Can I do summer school or take summer courses and do this program?
    • Unfortunately no, you'll be required to do 35 hours a week of a faculty mentored research experience during the summer. 
  3. I already have a UCSD faculty research mentor that I've been working with, can I still apply to this program?
    • Yes
  4. I am a freshmen or senior, can I still apply?
    • Per our statewide efforts, every year we recruit sophomores or new transfer juniors to our program.
  5. Will we have an opportunity to present our research?
    • Yes, every summer scholars do a 15 minute oral presentation and then a research poster presentation in March.


Please direct questions to:

Edgar Beas

UC LEADS Campus Coordinator