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Degree Completion

Read about the requirements for degree completion for doctoral and all varieties of master programs. 

Master's Students (all)

  • The minimum residence requirement is three academic quarters; AT LEAST ONE of which must follow advancement to candidacy. Residence is established by satisfactory completion of six units or more per quarter, some of which must be at the graduate level.
  • A student must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above in upper division and graduate course work, have no more than 8 units of F or U, and resolve any outstanding grading problems.
  • A student must be registered or will be assessed the filing fee in lieu of registration.

The deadline to submit final degree paperwork to GEPA Academic Affairs is the 11th Friday of each quarter or early September for summer graduation (see our general deadlines and the Registrar’s Enrollment and Registration Calendar for more information on deadlines and specific dates). If the deadline is missed the degree will be awarded in the next quarter. The degree conferral date is always the last day of the given quarter (see the Registrar's Enrollment and Registration Calendar for specific dates). 

Master's Thesis (Plan I) and Master of Fine Arts (Plan III) Students

Defense Expectations

  • The requirement for a thesis defense varies by department; students should check with their committee chair or with the graduate coordinator. For departments that require a defense, the following applies. 
  • Master's thesis and Master of Fine Arts students should check with their advisor regarding when the thesis must be submitted for review by the master committee.
  • The thesis committee shall supervise and approve the student's thesis.
  • Academic Senate policy states that the committee conducts the final oral examination/defense. 
  • The default method to conduct graduate examinations (doctoral qualifying examination and final dissertation/thesis defense) is when the student and all members of the committee are physically present in the same room. However, graduate programs may allow exams to be entirely remote or in a hybrid format (i.e., some members are physically present and some are remote); the student must agree to this format.
  • It is expected that there will be synchronous participation by all committee members in the scheduled exam. The committee chair, or one co-chair, must participate synchronously in the scheduled exam.
    • If an unavoidable situation arises that affects a committee member’s ability to participate synchronously, the committee chair (or co-chairs) may decide how to proceed. There must be sufficient expertise among present members to examine the student. Only one committee member may be absent for the scheduled exam and examine the candidate on a separate date.

How to File for the Degree and Submit the Thesis/Final Forms to GEPA

We have launched a new process for filing the dissertation/thesis. The process is described below and in this How to File for Degree document.

Students who plan to graduate in the current quarter must fill out the online form in Kuali, “File for Doctoral/Master’s (Thesis) Degree Form.”

  • Step 1: Submit File for Doctoral/Master’s (Thesis) Degree Form
    • Fill out the form and submit by Friday of week 4 to indicate your intent to file for degree completion in the current quarter. (Submission after week 4 may result in not being approved for completion  in the current quarter.) 
  • Step 2: “Academic History Review”
    • A GEPA Academic Affairs Advisor will review the “File for Degree” request within 1 week and conduct an Academic History Review. You will be notified via email when the review of your academic history is complete. 
    • Review the “Academic History Review” form (link provided in the email). 
    • Resolve any actions indicated. If there are none indicated, go to the next step.
    • Acknowledge receipt and review of the "Academic History Review" form by clicking the “I have reviewed all items” button on the form. 
    • You may view your submission by logging into Kuali at  
  • Step 3: “Final Degree Checklist”
    • Use this checklist to identify and track all required actions/items for degree completion. You may save the form to mark your progress as each item is completed.
    • You may view your submission by logging into Kuali at
    • Once all items are completed, click “Mark Complete” at the top. The form will then route to GEPA for the Final Review. (Refer to the form for a complete list of items) 
      • Dissertation/Thesis release form is signed by you and your committee chair and uploaded to ProQuest under "Administrative Documents".
      • If applicable, co-author permission letters are uploaded to Kuali Link. See permission letter and cover letter Template Link, and guidelines for acceptable signatures link.
      • Successful defense of the dissertation/thesis is completed.
      • Department/program has submitted the Final Report Form in DocuSign. The Final Report Form must be received by GEPA by the 11th Friday of the quarter
    • The deadline to submit the Final Degree Checklist to GEPA is the 11th Friday of the quarter or early September for summer graduation (see general deadlines and the Registrar’s Enrollment and Registration Calendar for more information on deadlines and specific dates). If the deadline is missed the degree will be awarded in the next quarter. The degree conferral date is always the last day of the given quarter (see the Registrar's Enrollment and Registration Calendar for specific dates). 
    • Once submitted, your GEPA Academic Affairs Advisor will be notified and will review your final forms within 1-2 weeks (for submissions received by the filing deadline to earn a degree for the current term).  

Academic Senate regulations for the MA/MS Thesis (Plan I) 

Academic Senate regulations for the MFA 


Dissertation and Thesis Submission Manual

Master's Students (Plan II Comprehensive Exam)

The Final Report of the Thesis or Comprehensive Examination (Plan I or II) for the Degree of Master of Arts or Science is submitted to GEPA Academic Affairs. The Final Report must list the date the examination was completed, and must have original signatures of the program's graduate advisor and the program's chair. The form must indicate if the student will continue at UC San Diego or will terminate. (The Final Report form is initiated by the graduate coordinator and signatures are obtained from each faculty member through DocuSign. Instructions are listed on GEPA's collab page).

The deadline to submit final degree paperwork to GEPA Academic Affairs is the 11th Friday of each quarter or early September for summer graduation (see general deadlines and the Registrar’s Enrollment and Registration Calendar) for more information on deadlines and specific dates). If the deadline is missed the degree will be awarded in the next quarter. The degree conferral date is always the last day of the given quarter (see the Registrar's Enrollment and Registration Calendar for specific dates). 

Master of Business Administration Students

The MBA is offered as a full-time or a part-time program. There is no advancement to candidacy requirement. Completion of the degree is verified by department submission of the final report via the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS). Check submission deadlines and process with graduate coordinator.


  • Only courses required for the MBA should be listed on the uAchieve audit - 92 units. Proxy signatures are not acceptable.
  • Candidates must have a GPA equivalent to 3.0 or above in upper division and graduate course work, with a total of no more than eight units of "F" and/or "U" grades.
  • The uAchieve audit report must be submitted by the last day of the quarter in which the student will receive the degree. The report may be filed anytime during student's last quarter of enrollment. Filing early in quarter is encouraged.
  • Academic Senate regulations for MBA

Master of Education Students

The MEd is a two-year, full-time program, with no advancement to candidacy required.

Completion of the degree is verified by department submission of the final report via the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS). Check submission deadlines and process with graduate coordinator.


  • Only courses required for MEd should be listed on the uAchieve - 64 units. Proxy signatures are not acceptable.
  • Candidates must have a GPA equivalent to 3.0 or above in upper division and graduate course work, with a total of no more than eight units of "F" and/or "U" grades.
  • The uAchieve audit must be submitted by the last day of the quarter in which the student will receive the degree. The report may be filed anytime during student's last quarter of enrollment. Filing early in quarter is encouraged.

Master of Advanced Studies Students

The MAS is a one-year, full-time program, with no advancement to candidacy required.

Completion of the degree is verified by department submission of the final report via the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS). Check submission deadlines and process with graduate coordinator.


  • Only courses required for MAS should be listed on the uAchieve audit - 36 units. Proxy signatures are not acceptable.
  • Candidates must have a GPA equivalent to 3.0 or above in upper division and graduate course work, with a total of no more than eight units of "F" and/or "U" grades.
  • The uAchieve audit report must be submitted by the last day of the quarter in which the student will receive the degree. The report may be filed anytime during student's last quarter of enrollment. Filing early in quarter is encouraged.

Master of International Affairs

The MIA is a two-year, full-time program, with no advancement to candidacy required.

Completion of the degree is verified by department submission of the final report via the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS). Check submission deadlines and process with graduate coordinator.


  • Only courses required for MIA should be listed on the uAchieve audit - 98 units. Proxy signatures are not acceptable.
  • Candidates must have a GPA equivalent to 3.0 or above in upper division and graduate course work, with a total of no more than eight units of "F" and/or "U" grades.
  • The uAchieve audit must be submitted by the last day of the quarter in which the student will receive the degree. The report may be filed anytime during student's last quarter of enrollment. Filing early in quarter is encouraged.

Doctoral Students

  • A student must have completed 6 quarters of academic residency, of which 3 quarters must be between advancement and the final examination/defense. Residence is established by the satisfactory completion of six units or more per quarter, at least some of which must be at the graduate level. Joint doctoral students meet the UC San Diego academic residency requirement by successfully completing a minimum of thirty-six units of course work at UC San Diego.
  • A student must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above in upper division and graduate course work, have no more than 8 units of F or U, and resolve any outstanding grading problems.
  • A student must be registered or will be assessed the filing fee in lieu of registration.

Defense Expectations

  • The doctoral dissertation must be submitted to each member of the doctoral committee at least four weeks before the final examination.
  • The doctoral committee shall supervise and approve the student's dissertation.
  • Academic Senate policy states that the committee conducts the final oral examination/defense, which is to be public and announced as such.
  • The default method to conduct graduate examinations (doctoral qualifying examination and final dissertation/thesis defense) is when the student and all members of the committee are physically present in the same room. However, graduate programs may allow exams to be entirely remote or in a hybrid format (i.e., some members are physically present and some are remote); the student must agree to this format.
  • It is expected that there will be synchronous participation by all committee members in the scheduled exam. The committee chair, or one co-chair, must participate synchronously in the scheduled exam.
    • If an unavoidable situation arises that affects a committee member’s ability to participate synchronously, the committee chair (or co-chairs) may decide how to proceed. There must be sufficient expertise among present members to examine the student. Only one committee member may be absent for the scheduled exam and examine the candidate on a separate date.

How to File for the Degree and Submit the Dissertation/Final Forms to GEPA

We have launched a new process for filing the dissertation/thesis. The process is described below and in this How to File for Degree document.

Students who plan to graduate in the current quarter must fill out the online form in Kuali, “File for Doctoral/Master’s (Thesis) Degree Form.”

  • Step 1: Submit File for Doctoral/Master’s (Thesis) Degree Form
    • Fill out the form and submit by Friday of week 4 to indicate your intent to file for degree completion in the current quarter. (Submission after week 4 may result in not being approved for completion  in the current quarter.) 
  • Step 2: “Academic History Review”
    • A GEPA Academic Affairs Advisor will review the “File for Degree” request within 1 week and conduct an Academic History Review. You will be notified via email when the review of your academic history is complete. 
    • Review the “Academic History Review” form (link provided in the email). 
    • Resolve any actions indicated. If there are none indicated, go to the next step.
    • Acknowledge receipt and review of the "Academic History Review" form by clicking the “I have reviewed all items” button on the form. 
    • You may view your submission by logging into Kuali at  
  • Step 3: “Final Degree Checklist”
    • Use this checklist to identify and track all required actions/items for degree completion. You may save the form to mark your progress as each item is completed.
    • You may view your submission by logging into Kuali at
    • Once all items are completed, click “Mark Complete” at the top. The form will then route to GEPA for the Final Review. (Refer to the form for a complete list of items) 
      • Dissertation/Thesis release form is signed by you and your committee chair and uploaded to ProQuest under "Administrative Documents".
      • If applicable, co-author permission letters are uploaded to Kuali Link. See permission letter and cover letter Template Link, and guidelines for acceptable signatures link.
      • Successful defense of the dissertation/thesis is completed.
      • Department/program has submitted the Final Report Form in DocuSign. The Final Report Form must be received by GEPA by the 11th Friday of the quarter
      • SDSU JDP students only: initiate the signature page in DocuSign at this link. Once all committee members have signed the signature page, it will be electronically routed to GEPA Academic Affairs. 
    • The deadline to submit the Final Degree Checklist to GEPA is the 11th Friday of the quarter or early September for summer graduation (see general deadlines and the Registrar’s Enrollment and Registration Calendar for more information on deadlines and specific dates). If the deadline is missed the degree will be awarded in the next quarter. The degree conferral date is always the last day of the given quarter (see the Registrar's Enrollment and Registration Calendar for specific dates). 
    • Once submitted, your GEPA Academic Affairs Advisor will be notified and will review your final forms within 1-2 weeks (for submissions received by the filing deadline to earn a degree for the current term). 

Dissertation and Thesis Submission Manual

Summer Degree Completion

  • The deadline to file for summer graduation follows the Registrar's dates for Summer Session II (in early September). 
  • Master's degree students must have completed and filed the uAchieve audit in a previous quarter (in which they were registered) in order to be eligible for summer degree completion. 
  • Students who are registered for the spring quarter prior to summer graduation, or who are registered for summer, will not need to pay any additional fees to file in the summer. 
  • A filing fee and / or a readmit fee may be required for students not registered for the prior quarter. Please check with the GEPA Academic Affairs advisors for specifics.

Filing Fee

Students may be eligible to pay the filing fee in lieu of tuition/registration fees during the quarter of graduation under the following circumstances:

  • The student must have completed all requirements except for the final defense of the dissertation/thesis or the taking of the final examination.
  • The student must be registered in the immediately preceding quarter, or on an approved leave of absence.
  • The filing fee applies to both residents and nonresidents.

The Filing Fee is always half the amount of the Student Services Fee. The fee will be indicated at the bottom of the combined Final Report Form and will be assessed on the student's TritonLink financial account after the final document review.

Please refer to the "Preparation and Submission Manual for Doctoral Dissertations and Master's Theses" for additional information. Students may also check with their graduate program or with the Division of Graduate Education regarding payment of the filing fee. 


Students on track to fulfill all degree requirements should register for commencement ceremonies and order their cap and gown upon registration. Details about each ceremony can be found at the link below.

Learn more

Proposition 209 Compliance

In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories. All programs and initiatives coordinated by the University of California Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs are designed and implemented in full compliance with Proposition 209 and the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy.

More information about Proposition 209 can be found here.

More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.