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What to Do Immediately

Accept your admission offer and submit your SSN

Please log in to your application portal and indicate your admission decision by completing the "Decision Reply Form." UC San Diego supports the Council of Graduate Schools' Resolution Regarding Graduate Scholars, Fellows, Trainees and Assistants, which states that you are under no obligation to respond to offers of financial support prior to April 15.

Your "Decision Reply Form" will also include the submission of your Social Security Number / Taxpayer Identification Number. This is necessary for a number of business processes.

Set up your UCSD password

Please wait at least 72 hours after accepting admission to complete this step. In some cases, it may take up to a week to generate your PID.

It is important that you set up your password for your Personal Identification number (PID) to enable you to access resources such as class registration and financial tools. You will need your PID which can be found on your application portal.

Activate and Access Your UCSD E-Mail

For steps on activating and accessing your UCSD e-mail account, please refer to the IT Services web page

Complete the Statement of Legal Residence

This step is not required for MAS, MCEPA, MF, MSBA, MPAc, or Flex MBA students.

Not required for joint doctoral students in the following programs: JDP-AUD, JDP-BENG, JDP-ECE, JDP-LCD, JDP-MSED, JDP-MAE, or JDP-SE.

Applicants who accept an offer of admission must complete the Statement of Legal Residence form within 2 weeks of accepting admission.  To submit the Statement of Legal Residence, log in to your application portal and complete the Statement of Legal Residence form listed in the "Forms" section. Your registration cannot be completed until this form is on file. If after accepting admission you decide not to enroll, notify your department immediately in writing or by email. More information about residency can be found at the Registrar's website. Questions about residency status should be addressed to the Residency Deputy. Read about possible exemptions, waivers, and definitions at  To request an AB 540 nonresident waiver, email

Sign-up for housing

San Diego is known as America’s Finest City and we are sure you will enjoy living here.  UC San Diego provides diverse and affordable housing options just for graduate students.  However, the waiting list for on-campus housing is long.  We recommend you apply for housing as soon as you receive your admission offer so you can get on the waiting list right away.
  • Learn more about UC San Diego on-campus housing opportunities here.
  • Get on the waitlist by submitting a housing application online.
    • You will need your UCSD SSO credentials to add yourself to the waitlist.
  • For additional housing options in the area, visit the Off-Campus Housing site.