UC San Diego regularly surveys graduate students on various aspects of their graduate education. These surveys allow UC San Diego to make data driven decisions that impact graduate studies in a positive way. To learn more about the type of surveys that are administered at UC San Diego, follow the links below.

UCGSES System Wide Results
The University of California Graduate Student Experience Survey (UCGSES) is a system-wide survey that solicits graduate and professional students’ opinions on a broad range of academic and co-curricular experiences, including instruction and training, advising, basic needs, and student services.
gradSERU Survey
Dashboard highlighting important findings and figures from gradSERU: a comprehensive, longitudinal study designed to answer questions about graduate education at leading research universities across North America.
Graduate and Professional Student Experience Survey
The survey covers many topics including academic program and climate, academic research and advising, and challenges to academic progress.
Graduate and Professional Student Experience Survey (GPSES)
GPSES 2017 Summary
Interested in the key points from the full GPSES report? Click on the link to find a number of graphs highlighting important takeaways from the survey.
Graduate Well-Being Survey
The survey covers many topics of general well-being including mental health, financial and food security, and advising.
Graduate Student Well-Being Survey
Well-Being Survey 2016 Full Report
Click here to view the full report of the 2016 survey.
Well-Being Survey 2016 Summary
Interested in the key points from the full Well-Being report? Click on the link to find a number of graphs highlighting important takeaways from the survey.
Graduate Division Exit Survey
The graduate division exit survey is used to improve the graduate experience for current and future students.

Exit Survey
Click on the link to find a number of graphs highlighting important takeaways from the survey.